In order to ensure papers make the proceedings in time for the conference, please upload all revisions by 24 July 13:00 CEST – thank you. Apologies and please ignore if you have already uploaded your revised paper.
If you have any questions about the abstract and papers process, please contact the EWTEC 2023 organising committee at ewtec2023@ewtec.org.
The selection is a two-stage process:
- Stage 1: Abstract review: First, a short abstract (max. 500 words) must be submitted by the author through the paper submission web page. A selection Committee will examine all the abstracts submitted during this first period to ensure suitability with respect to the EWTEC criteria. Papers falling outside the scope of EWTEC (as defined by the thematic tracks), papers consisting of commercial advertisement without any scientific or technical added value , or without novelty (except review papers), will be rejected. The Committee aim to confirm abstract acceptance within 6 weeks of the abstract submission deadline.
- Stage 2: Paper review: Authors of accepted abstracts will then submit their full paper through the conference portal by the deadline on the key dates page.
(1) Download one of the templates opposite in your preferred format – it contains detailed guidance.
(2) Prepare your manuscript and export it to Adobe PDF, ensuring that the total length is no more than 10 pages, the page size is A4 (not Letter) .
(3) Log in the portal and follow the steps to submit your manuscript.
All papers will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers who are experts in the field and have been nominated by the EWTEC Technical Committee. During the review period, authors may be asked by the reviewer to amend, correct or revise their paper. The final selection will then be made following which authors will be informed of their presentation type (see below).
- Microsoft Word – Full paper template
Updated February 2023
- LaTeX – Full paper template
Updated February 2023
(updated January 2023)
Due to the limited number of slots for oral presentation during the Conference (~230), some papers will have to be presented as a poster in order to balance the session volume, depending on the final number of papers per track or per session. Nevertheless, all the accepted papers will be published in full in the archived proceedings of the 15th EWTEC Conference, regardless of their presentation type.
Presentation format guidelines (Updated 16 August 2021)
There is not an official template for the oral presentations. The duration of the presentations is 15 minutes (12 mins + 3 mins questions) including “Questions and Answers” at the end.
Good practice tips:
- Embed fonts in the file when you save the presentation if you use unusual fonts. It is advised to check your presentation on a different PC than the one you created it.
- Save the file in Windows, PowerPoint compatible format. It is advised to have a copy in PDF.
- Prepare your slides in Standard (16:9 or 4:3) size.
- Please make sure that your presentation does not exceed 15 minutes (25 minutes for the Keynote Speakers).
- Avoid using too much text on slides and do not read the text or a script. Hold your audience by maintaining eye contact and with a lively delivery.
- Speak loudly and clearly at an appropriate pace.
- Enjoy the experience and take the opportunity to show your inspirational work and network with the EWTEC community.
Posters must have a “portrait” orientation and be at A0 Format: 841 x 1189 mm. Please choose appropriate font type and size in order the posters to be readable from a few meters distance. Do not forget to include the title, authors, their affiliations and contact information.
Author attendance
EWTEC presenter policy: papers accepted for oral or poster presentation will only be included in the published Proceedings under the condition that at least one author attend the conference to present it.
Each registered delegate will be allowed to present only one paper during EWTEC.
Copyright transfer
All the accepted and presented papers will be included in the Proceedings of the EWTEC Conference which will be permanently available for purchase here. When submitting an abstract, all authors are required to agree to a copyright notice.
Official language
Official language: English
All communication, presentations, papers and posters will be in English. No translation will be provided by EWTEC organizers.
EWTEC Publishing policy
The general EWTEC policy requires that authors should only submit original work that neither has appeared elsewhere for publication, nor is under review for another publication or conference. The submitting author is responsible for obtaining agreement of all co authors and any consent required from employers or sponsors before submitting an article. The EWTEC conference strongly discourages courtesy authorship; it is the obligation of the authors to cite only relevant prior work.
EWTEC refund policy
If the registrant is unable to attend and is not in a position to transfer their participation to another person or event, then the following refund arrangements apply.
Keeping in view of advance payments towards venue, printing, and other overheads we have had to keep the refund policy within the following parameters (see below), where all bank charges will be for the registrants’ account.
- Greater than 60 days prior to the conference: Eligible for a full refund (after an administrative charge, which is 25% of the paid registration fee.)
- Between 60-30 days prior to the Conference: Eligible for 20% of payment refund
- Within 30 days of Conference: Not eligible for refund
- E-Poster Payments will not be refunded.
In the case of a VISA refusal, the registration fee will be fully refunded with no administrative charges.
NOTE: We aim to process all refunds within six weeks after the completion of the Conference