The 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
EWTEC 2019 | 1st – 6th September 2019 in Naples, Italy
The 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2019) was organised by CONISMA (National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences) from 1-6 September 2019. CONISMA promotes and coordinates research and other scientific and application activities in the field of Sea Sciences among the 35 associated Universities. It was the first time of this biannual Conference in Italy with a total of 531 delegates from across Europe, Asia, America and Oceania.
The event received 452 abstract submissions, of which 158 were either withdrawn or rejected. In total, 294 full papers were submitted with 248 accepted for oral presentation, 27 for poster presentation, and3 for both oral and poster presentation.
The presentation of the scientific papers were presented across 58 sessions from Monday morning to Thursday noon, with 10 side-events and 2 half-day sponsored workshops (see EWTEC 2019 programme).All papers were alloted 20 minutes (15+5) including time for questions, and change of presenters. Each session was composed of 8 presentations with a coffee break halfway through the session. Poster sessions were held during the coffee breaks where each poster was allored a specific day/time of presentation which was indicated on the poster itself and in the program in order for people interested to be sure to have the author explanations.
The event was sponsored by Enel Green Power, who manage over 54 GW of renewable energy capacity worldwide and had 20 occupied booths within the EWTEC professional exhibition.

The EWTEC 2019 Management Committee would like to thank all delegates, authors members of Parliament, reviewers, exhibitors, sponsors, presenters and speakers for their contributions and support. Below follows a brief conference summary.
The event began on Sunfay 1st September with the 2nd EWTEC Regatta, which took place in the Gulf of Naples from 14:00-17:00. 13 participants were distributed on 5 identical sailing ship, with logistics (ships, security, regatta supervision, etc..) handled by the local sailing club Lega Navale Italiana-sezione di Napoli.
In the evening, from 19:00 to 22:00, all delegates were invited to a Welcome reception, along the external promenade of the Centro Congressi. During the reception where attendees could collect their conference packs as well as listen to the opening presentation while enjoying some localc canapes and drinks there were original songs played by local musicians.

The opening ceremony was held on Monday morning where Italian personalities were invited to give a speech to expose the Italian vision of Marine energy at both regionla nad national policy level with a simultaneous translation provided (Italian <-> English) provided.
For the Monday evening social event (19:00-22:00), EWTEC 2019 delegates were invited for Aperitif in the hytorical city centre of Naples (at Vero restaurant). Delegates were offered two free drinks and evening was animated by a traditional music group.
Tuesday & Wednesday
After a full day of presentations on Tuesday there was a dedicated session for delegates to look at the exhibiton stands and poster displays.
On Wednesday, following another full days of presentations, there was the main social event of the conference – the gala dinner, attended by over 500 guests. The banquet was held at the Museo di Pietrarsa in Portici. Several buses brought participants to the location, which is an old hystorical train museum, the Napoli-Portico line was the first ferry in Italy. At the end of the dinner the same buses transported attendees to the Centro Congressi. Musical entertainment was provided by La Terza Classe band, playing folk-classic Neapolitan music.

Thursday morning saw the last of the oral presentations, followed by the closing ceremony which comprised:
- Congress Regatta prizegiving
- Best poster award sponsored by Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
- Introduction of AWTEC 2020 (Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference)
- Introduction of EWTEC 2021
Three groups of delegates (155 attendees) participated in the technical visit of the Natural Marine Energy Laboratory that takes place in the San Vincenzo breakwater in Naples ahrbour. The visit consisted of a sailing tour on the ship Tortuga on the Naples harbour main breakwater on which is located the Overtopping Breakwater for Energy Conversion.
Two groups of visitors were admitted to a guided visit of the experimental facilites of the Department of Industrial Engineering of Naples (wave tank, towing tank, etc. ) with detailed explanations and descriptions given by the staff of the facilites, and the accompanying volunteers.
A final social event was arranged on the Friday, providing attendees (121 delegates particpated) with a day tour of Pompei and Napoli from 080:30 – 16:30. Participants met at 8:30 with a guided bus tour of Pompei until 11:30. Following this guests departed for Naples with lunch arranged in the city centre and a guided walking tour of the city from 14:00 -16:30.

The EWTEC 2019 Organising Committee would like to thank the sponsors, exhibitors, side event hosts, delegates, authors, keynote speakers, guest speakers, reviewers, student ambassadors’ technical committee and Board for their support. The assistance from the CONISMA events team, catering department, campus support team and AV team was also invaluable.