Preparing Your Presentation – Guide for Presenters
For all successful papers (for both oral and poster presentations), all authors must read the important guidelines below, or download them here, which give you information on how to prepare and format your presentation and ensure you organise it to be ready for your presentation time slot.
A : Oral presentations
Oral presentations will be given in rooms 1 to 5, according to the final version of the program which will be updated one week before the event (see
Each presenter is given 15 minutes to present their slide show, and 5 minutes for discussion and exchange with the audience, animated by the chair and co-chair of the session.
Each room is equipped with a laptop connected to the integrated video system of the venue: La Cité des Congrès. All presenters are asked to use exclusively this system, and only this one, for their presentation. Please prepare your files on a USB key for transfer to the session room laptop. Presenters will not be allowed to disconnect the session room laptop and connect any other computers to the video system. Thus, presenters are asked to prepare their presentations to be compatible with the EWTEC system.
The characteristics of the system are the following:
- Computer system: WINDOWS 8.1 (in English)
- Microsoft Office 2010 , with PowerPoint 2010 (.pptx , .ppsx), compatible with older format (.ppt , .pps)
- Common video format as MPEG-1 or h264 (.wmv , .mp4) are strongly recommended
- LibreOffice 4.4 ( .odp)
- Adobe Reader DC (latest version) ( .pdf) compatible with older versions
- VLC 2.2.1 (for movies under practically all file formats)
A preparation room, with 3 EWTEC identical laptop configurations, will be freely accessible to presenters to check the compatibility of their presentation before uploading it to the session room laptop. We recommend presenters, especially those having developed their presentation on other systems like Apple or Linux platforms, take the time to check their presentation on these test laptops to be sure not to disturb the time schedule of the Conference by incompatibility issues during their presentation in the session room.
Presentations must be uploaded on the session laptop during the break, half an hour before the starting hour of the session. A session assistant will be there to help. Also inform your session assistant if you want your presentation to be removed from the EWTEC laptop at the end of the session.
Sessions will start on time; the respect of the time schedule is essential to the success of the Conference. So, be sure to contribute to it with good preparation of your presentation. In case of any special needs, ask one of the EWTEC volunteers for help; they will do their best to assist you.
B : Poster presentation
All posters will be installed around the coffee break area (first floor, same level as session rooms, adjacent to the exhibition hall). The panels will be identified with a banner showing the ID code of your paper and the hour of presentation will be prepared for you before the Conference. On your arrival, please access the poster area and locate your panel.
A EWTEC volunteer, especially dedicated to help poster presenters, will be there to help you fixing your poster on the panel; small materials such as adhesive tape, pins, etc… will be available.
- on each panel, the surface reserved for the poster is: 1300mm x 841mm
- you can print your poster using a standard A0 format (1189mm x 841 mm)
If you arrive on Sunday the 6th, we ask that you bring your poster with you at the welcome reception (17h30 – 19h00); after registration, you will have access to the poster area and you will have plenty of time to install it. Otherwise, please install it on Monday morning, before the lunch break, at most.
Each poster will be given a precise time for presentation to the audience during either the morning or afternoon coffee break. This presentation time will be printed on a banner at the top of the panel. It is also printed in the Conference program. Please respect it, and be present at your poster in due time. You should use the 20 minutes of the break in order to be present and available for discussion of your poster.