The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) series are international, technical and scientific conferences, focussed on ocean renewable energy and widely respected for their commitment to maintain high standards in the quality of academic and industrial contributions to their proceedings.
EWTEC is well established among renewable energy conferences showing considerable growth since its launch in 1993 (see Conferences).
EWTEC provides a forum where those at the forefront of technology development in the sector meet, interact, present their latest knowledge and debate new ideas and issues pertinent to wave and tidal energy conversion. It thus provides attendees with a perfect forum for knowledge transfer and debate at the cutting edge of marine renewable energy technology.
EWTEC is governed by the Executive Board and Technical Committee.
The conferences are the pre-eminent global pedagogic and scholarly events dealing with wave and tidal energy conversion and provide global focus for all activities in wave and marine current energy conversion technologies, research, development and demonstration.